Crkva Svetog Ahilija
Kao i u svakoj pravoslavnoj zemlji crkva je centar svega, a ova u Arilju je smeštena u samom centru grada i okružena živopisnim brdima. Ona je najstarija i najznačajnija građevina na ovim prostorima sa prebogatom istorijom. Sagrađena je 1296. od strane kralja Dragutina gde je kasnije njegov sin Urošica i sahranjen. Crkva je posvećena Svetom Ahiliju, svecu iz Larise, koji je sahranjen na ovom mestu i iz čijeg je groba navodno dugo curilo mirotočivo ulje.
Kao lokacija za crkvu izabran je vrh brega kako bi mogla biti viđena iz daleka. Sagrađena je na ostacima drevnog hrama. U vreme kada je sagrađen hram, ušće dvaju reka se nalazilo neposredno ispod njega. Ono što je neuobičajeno jeste ulaz na južnoj strani umesto na uobičajenoj zapadnoj. Pored crkve je sveštenički konak gde sada živi sveštenik sa svojom suprugom. Crkva Svetog Ahilija je privukla dosta pažnje svojim freskama. Mogu se prepoznati mnogi zanimljivi likovi iz srpske istorije. Jedna od njih je izabrana kao najlepša freska na izložbi u Parizu ali je svakako najpoznatija freska “Plavi Anđeo”. Nažalost, deo freske nedostaje i u prilično je lošem stanju ali dovoljno je reći da je Plavi Anđeo jedan od začetnika perioda renesanse u umetnosti. Sa tako svetlim i živopisnim bojama, ova freska zauzima bitno mesto u istoriji srpskog ikonopisanja. Interesantno je reći da su oči na skoro svim svecima iskopane od strane turskih okupatora. Nisu uništili hram jer su se plašili sujeverja ali su ipak “oslepili” svevideće svece.
U Srbiji je ranije bilo uobičajeno da se imena umrlih bez traga ostavljaju na kamenim spomenicima pored puta. U dvorištu crkve danas se mogu naći imena mnogih na ovim spomenicima.
U poslednjih dvadeset godina narod se približio religiji, tako i da dan danas crkva igra veliku ulogu u svakodnevnom životu Ariljaca. Liturgije se održavaju svakog jutra, i prilično je uobičajeno rezervisati crkvu za venčanje ili krštenje. Lokalci su se potrudili da očuvaju crkvu lepom i veličanstvenom, tako da je danas crkva lepo uređena a noću lepo obasjana, i sa pravom zaslužuje zvanje glavne atrakcije ovog grada.
Saint Achillius Church
Like any other Orthodox country, Church is the centre of Arilje surrounded by the town and mountains. It is the most important and oldest building here with long and rich history. It was built in 1296 by the former king Dragutin where his sons, Prince Urosics who died young as a monk, remains are still resting in the ground of the holy place. It was dedicated to the saint Achillius of Larissa from Greece, who apparently made oil flow out of the stone.
The location was chosen on top of the mountain, to be seen far away, on the ruins of a Christian temple. In these days two rivers crossed into one at the foot of the hill. Which is uncommon is the entrance on the south side instead of the usual western. . Next to the church was a residence of a bishop, where now the priest and his wife live. Saint Archillius Church has caught a lot of attention for its extant frescos. Lots of interesting characters of the Serbian past are recognizable. One of them has been selected the most beautiful fresco in an exhibition in France but the most famous is the Blue Angel. Unfortunately not that well remained and rather faded but probably first painting what is drawn on a wall in the early period of Renaissance. It’s colors so bright and blooming, this fresco is classified in the circle of masterpieces in the Serbian paintings. Interesting fact is that all of the saints have their eyes scraped out by Turks during the Ottoman Empire occupation. It was common when they didn’t destroy the house of god, because of the superstition. They believed that ruining the eyes of the frescos the anger of god wouldn’t be brought down upon themselves.
It was common in Serbia to carve the name of a missing friend or a relative on a particular stone next to bigger roads all around the country. In these gravestones so many faceless people have found they’r tomb and seeing five of those in a yard next to the church makes me feel like standing infront of a big cemetary.
Last twenty years have brought people closer to religion, so the church is still in use and plays an important role in local people’s everyday-life. Masses are held every morning and it’s common to book it for weddings and christenings. Locals have made an effort to keep it beautiful and outstanding, that’s why the church is nicely lighted during the night and deserves to be a centre of attention.
Međunarodni volonterski kamp Svet u Arilje, Arilje u Svet, 2011.